You are bringing hope & joy to children & families in Guatemala!

We’ve been so encouraged by everyone who has been sharing sponsorship this month! Did you know – 37 Vida children have found a sponsor since the beginning of May! And we know that sponsorship makes an impact – because we hear the stories, over and over again, of what sponsorship means to our students and their families.

Like the story of little Jhon:

Jhon's family in their home

Many people had a rough year last year – but Jhon’s family had it rougher than most. Even before the pandemic, Jhon’s dad wasn’t able to work, as he was recovering from surgery. Then came the Covid lockdowns, and finding work was next to impossible. The year even ended with a bang. Because of the non-stop heavy rains during the tropical storms, part of Jhon’s home completely collapsed!

But throughout it all, Jhon’s family was blessed by his sponsors. The gifts of food their sponsorship provided sustained the family and brought them joy and hope. Jhon’s mom had been struggling to meet the needs of her family, and she was discouraged. When she realized that these people in Canada, who had never met them and didn’t even know the specifics of their situation, had it in their hearts to give, she was filled with gratitude and amazement!

Jhon and his mother smiling with a food package

Little by little, the family is getting ahead again. Jhon’s dad has found odd jobs to do, and Mom is also working a few days a week. They’re striving to provide for their children. And they are doing their best to support Jhon in his studies, helping him at home with lessons as he learns to read and write.

This year, Jhon is in Grade 2. His sponsors continue to support and encourage him. And we have all seen once again that God is faithful and does not forget his children!

Thank you for loving our kids. Thank you for sharing about their needs with your friends and family members. Thank you for being a blessing – often to people you haven’t met. You are bringing hope and joy to children and families in Guatemala!

(There are just 30 more children in Jhon’s school still waiting for a sponsor. Will you help us find sponsors for them?)

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